I'm back, and I had a wonderful trip! The Big Island was GORGEOUS as usual, and it was nice to have a little vacation. We checked out our property and it grew so much in just a few months... the grass is really tall now! Also, we found out that they are going to be paving the road in front of our property (it was previously a gravel road) which was a super nice surprise... we literally drove up to the property and saw some construction peoples and they told us they were paving :D
I was able to get a lot of work done this past week after I got back from the Big Island, so I'm considering opening my shop up for a week with some new amigurumi and pouches and stuff, and then putting it on vacation until mid-August or so... I'm starting a newish job at the end of August so I want to make sure I get enough time to do research for school stuff before I do more fun berrysprite stuff. We'll see. Anyway, it's good to be back, even if it is just for a week or so :D
Just thought I'd share a couple of pictures from my trip... I ended up not taking that many and just taking in the scenery with my own eyes (like that John Mayer song, haha!)
I tend to forget where you live :-) x x x