Look at all of the wonderful goodies sent to me by a very lovely family! Aren't you jealous? A large bit of destash, including waxed twine, gorgeous yarn, wooden acorns (sooo cool!) and a wee daruma stamp. As if that weren't enough, I also got kawaii sanrio pez dispensers in a lovely case and super cute handwritten thank-you's (I especially love the recurring turkey theme augmented by a pocky drawing and the lovely purple and pink envelope decorations...lovely!) Honestly, that is one of the best things about berrysprite and etsy; (not the loot sillies) but the fact that you can make friends and have connections with people all around the world! Thanks so much guys for the lovely items, they made me smile so much, and thanks everyone for visiting my shop, flickr, and blog... ***muah*** big kisses!

I'm jealous! You lucky girl! :]
ReplyDeleteI glad we met friend! xoxo Miss chatting with you. I have to send you pics of Enzo and his Bearlet or wait Doglet on Christmas morning. Send it to you soon, xoxo!