Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Seriously, you don't have to be a mom to show the same caring and compassion that moms do! But just the same, we love our moms and today is the day to show how much moms mean to us >__<
I made this last night (1 am!), after a full day of trying to write a 20 page paper in my office, for my mommy. It's funny, I just got a crochet hook with a light in it so I did it in the dark so I wouldn't wake anyone in our tiny apartment. I hadn't had the chance to go shopping for her present, but I know she loves cardinals (she calls them her "red darlings") so I made her this litte cutie and included a blue egg; I don't think they lay blue eggs but it looks cute with the red! She LOVED it!
Holly, that's so sweet! And the birdie is adorable. You're so clever!