To thank all you lovely people for being so wonderful (and to celebrate getting our dream property), berrysprite is having a sale! From this upcoming Sunday 4.11.10 to next Saturday 4.17.10, every purchase from my shop will be 20% off (not including shipping)! I will be adding a couple of things that I have on hand, so get ready for some super savings! Additionally, any purchase of an amigurumi will come with a free fimo cookie!
In addition (if you don't have/feel like spending the $$$), get ready to enter a giveaway the likes of which you've never seen here on berrysprite; that's right... up for grabs will be a beautiful needle felted-berrysprite bear! I have a soft spot for these bears; although they take more time, they look so cute!!! The bear up for grabs will be made with yarn that I purchased especially on the Big Island while I visited, a nice thank you for everyone who sent their good feelings our way and helped us to get our property! Further details about the sale and giveaway coming on Sunday... hope to see you all there!
Yay!! :D