Hiya people, and Happy New Year! I hope everyone's celebration was good; I popped a zillion fireworks (as is tradition here in Hawai`i). According to Chinese Zodiac, this year is the year of the tiger, raarr; more on that during Chinese New Year in February.
Here is the first calendar for 2010; thanks so much for responding to the informal poll I had guys, it was really helpful! Based on the results and with thesis obligations, calendars this year will be computer illustrated (I'm so glad many of you like them!). I'll try to make them a little more complex than they have been; there will also be a developing storyline, centered around two main characters: Oscar the Bear and Scout the Rabbit. Oscar has moved to a new town in Apple Valley, and he and Scout and all their friends have a blast exploring and finding things to do. So expect to see Oscar and Scout in every calendar, having lots of fun around town and through the seasons!

Here is January's calender's description:
"Oscar the little bear has just moved to a new town; he's lucky he's already made friends with Scout the pink bunny (she's quite fond of guava jelly) and Ollie the Tiger (he particularly enjoys sunshine). Since it's the start of a new year, the three friends thought they'd celebrate by playing with fireflies!"
To download calendar (with the best quality), view the picture as its original size, then save the picture to your computer. Then you can set the picture you've saved to your computer to your desktop background!
Happy New Year....soggibottom just passing through x x x