Aaaaaah, Freakin' yay! I won the Shopify birthday giveaway contest over at SuperCuteKawaii!! That means I'll get a free shopify online store for a year, which means I can open my own standalone online shop! For those of you who don't know, shopify is a webhosting site that allows you to fully customize your own online selling space... so cool! I see this as a great step towards making sure Berrysprite is around for years and years to come :D Many mahalos (thanks) to Panda-san, Monsieur Le Bun and especially to Bunny-san for picking me as a winner! If you didn't already know about SuperCuteKawaii, check them out; they have an AWESOME blog and store that are both constantly updated with kawaii finds and trends... so many a late-night I have spent greedily reading about panda and bunny-san (and of course Monsieur Le Bun's) kawaii obsessions on this delectable website!

♥ ♥ ♥ PS; the people at shopify were super generous to me too and are going to give me a three-month free account to give to someone I know; I thought it be fun to do a mini giveaway in the spirit of SuperCuteKawaii's giveaway.
So here are the rules; you must have an online shop already (Etsy/Folksy/Yahoo/Artfire/ eBay, etc.) and you must leave a comment that states in 5 sentences or less why you'd love a shopify store of your very own. After contacting the winner for information (like their name, email, and current store url), I'll contact the people at shopify and let them know who gets a free three-month shop! Contest starts now, and the winner will be picked on Tuesday, Sept. 22... good luck!♥ ♥ ♥
I wanted to apply to the shopify contest on SuperCuteKawaii but I was one day too late! I would love a Shopify store of my own because I want to turn my Etsy kawaii-style pet collars & accessories shop into something that could be done fulltime! I'm a senior in product design at an art school right now, and being my own boss by the time I graduate would be a dream come true. Shopify would help me gauge a wider audience and thus sell more.
and congratulations on winning!
ReplyDeletecongratulations on winning!!
ReplyDeletei'd like to win a shopify store so that i have items for sale in more than one currency, because being in the uk that's where i'm doing my advertising but most people are put off by the dollars. i'm also looking to expand my store to include more things and generally make it more of a proper shop and less of a hobby.
And maybe i could one day make enough money that i can do this instead of my job!
Congratulations Holly! I'm so happy for you! Everyone should have a little Berrysprite in their home :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on winning!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win a shopify store so that I could showcase my products, I need help getting my name out there! Who doesn't want a plush pug? Or a drawing of a smoking tapir? Help me reach more people please! :D