Friday, April 24, 2009

the start of a beautiful thing...

I've been looking around for crafty fun guides to Washington DC (thanks for all your great tips guys!), and I've realized something; it's often hard to find specific guides for things that you want to do wherever you're going. Oh sure, there's the regular tourist guides that point you to attractions where there will be a million other tourists, and while those guides are really good and helpful, they don't always get you off the beaten path, or necessarily give you tips for things you really want to do/see. I think a really smart way to overcome this obstacle is to connect with people who actually live there (which may be why so many of you lovely people ask me what's fun to do when you're visiting Hawai`i... I love it!) Being that its really helpful to have some city guides by local people who are familiar with not-often explored fun things, I've decided to make a mini-series through my blog featuring crafty shopping and cheap eats here on O`ahu. The posts will be stored on a side column in my blog (not sure if it will be left or right yet) for prosperity's sake; the first one will be coming soon!


  1. I don't have a helpful comment. But I read the title of your blog and "The Start of Something New" from High School Musical popped into my head.

    I am so super lame.

  2. Oh, I can't wait to read your mini-series of local shops and eateries! I could definitely use more recommendations of places to go here in Hawaii. :)


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