You never get everything you want done! If you did, could it technically be called a vacation? I'm not so sure. So, while I had a whole week of no school and no grading (I got all my student's midterms done right before break) and I still managed to do ABSOLUTELY NO SCHOOLWORK. That's right, I put myself in the danger zone! I went into the last couple of weeks before break telling myself, "Okay, so during break you are going to write at least two papers, research for your other paper, and do a huge amount of work so that you can cruise for the last 6 weeks of school before summer." Did not happen in a major way. But, I had a lovely, craft-filled break.
Although I crafted a whole heap, I really didn't get that much done; I was working on new designs which are technically done, but not photographed or tweaked the way I like to do. I basically sewed the entire break, and kinda neglected my crocheting. Plus, I am finding it increasingly hard to motivate myself to pack things up for shipping in the middle of the night after I finish all my work and before school... I'm just too tired now. So, I am taking a mini hiatus from berrysprite by not listing very many new things and saving my newest designs for after school is ended.
Like I said, I haven't had much time to photograph, so here is a photo not of something I made but of something I had to have. Oooh, those ingenious Japanese and their irresistable packaging! This was a little pot (I say pot because it has a little lid like a pot!) that came with only 5 pieces of peach gum, but I had to buy it!
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