I went to Marukai today, and besides being reminded that I haven't blogged about the wonder that is Marukai yet, I found this really awesome candy from Japan! They're called "Popin' Cookin'" and they are basically little candy doughs that you form into more familiar food shapes, such as pizza, burgers, pies, cakes and even little sushi! Half the fun of this candy is in making it yourself; you roll, mix, blend, color, shape, scrape, etc and use your imagination and creativity to make a delicious sweet treat!

back of box with instructions
This picture shows how to make the kobbiko (roe) for the sushi set... isn't it neat? And I bet you thought eating candy was simple! The picture is from this blog, which has a really good write up and actual review of the candy.

The candy is manufactured by a company called Kracie which makes beauty products as well; I used google to translate their website for the candy and it was pretty hilarious! This is what it came up with:

Bloody murder paste? Haha! I never knew bloody murder paste tasted like sweet sweet candy!
Wow, those are really cute candies!
ReplyDeleteDo want~ ... There's a lizard in my window. Brb.
ReplyDeleteOk I'm back. :3 How's it taste? Have you tried it?
ReplyDeletei'm so jealous of the stuff you get at the japanese shoppes:O(. have you tried it yet? how does it taste? enquiring minds are wondering...
ReplyDeleteI have one set and I used it up because its so good XD
ReplyDeleteI want one so bad!! How could I get one?! In the US?
Missing Amsie Blog
I don't know where you could get one :( Maybe try some Japanese stores around where you live!
ReplyDeleteHolly, please let them know: you can get them from White Rabbit Express. they are a Tokyo-based Japanese goods exporter. They ship anything, anywhere. The popin page is here:
Thanks so much Max!
ReplyDeleteHey! I live down the road from a Marukai in Honolulu- is this the one you went to? If so, what section of the store was it in? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI got it at the Dillingham one a while ago... but they might still have it at either location; it was in the candy section. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteit's so freaking adorable! i also love konapun, and i really wanted to know the name of that toy that wiggles when you take is seal off? please, answer quickly!
ReplyDeleteHmmm Anonymous, I don't know about any toy that wiggles when you take the seal off! When you find out, let me know :D
ReplyDeleteDo they still have that candy in Marukai? I would like to see one of those in person they look so good and cute! And this is in 2013! I hope they still have it!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen it lately! They might though, you should check (even if they don't have it marukai is super fun... I always get apollo strawberry/ chocolate candy!)
ReplyDeleteoh thanks! I asked my friend today and they said my other friend told them about it and they bought one in marukai just a few days ago! WOOHOO!!Im so relieved! Im gunna buy one right now cuz i live nextdoor to marukai XP