
Saturday, April 2, 2011

My camera is dead :(

My beloved camera, Blackie, has died! After serving me faithfully for 5 years, he went kaput last week Saturday.... booo! I loved him so; he was my very first camera, and he traveled with me to such places as China, San Diego and Washington DC. He endured a lot of jostling, bumps and scrapes, rain and sand. He accompanied me to archives and museums to document sources and material culture! He was there for the beginning of berrysprite, and we learned photography tricks together. In fact, he was the reason I was able to start my berrysprite shop and a huge part of the reason berrysprite has been so successful... his macro capabilities were positively delicious. All of that color and vibrancy that highlight berrysprite goodness were all his doing... he made my amigurumi look cute; Suffice it to say he will be sorely missed. And now it is only fitting that I post an homage to my dearly departed friend and all of his glorious work over the years! Rest in peace dear camera.


  1. poor, sorry, even a greeting from me to your machine: (

  2. (comes out of lurking mode)

    epp, that is sad...I always admired your photos-the colors and clarity of everything

    but really gorgeous homage to your camera...hope you get/got a new one soon :)

  3. Great job of it! It is important to acknowledge those who have helped us along the way. Beautiful pictures!

  4. I agree with oba-san, beautiful homage to your camera. I'm still finding suprises with my camera's capabilities. I hope you find an equally fitting one soon! So sad when it's time to part with our electronic friends. :-(

  5. wow - i have a small camera like that as well... perhaps i need to learn to use it to it's fullest capabilities.

    sorry to see a dear friend go eh?
    what are you planning on getting next?

  6. I'm sorry your camera isn't working. You should sell the peas in a pod on your etsy shop. They're so unique and sooo cute!!

  7. aww...this post makes me so sad =( I know how it feel cuz I love my cam too >.<
