
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

July Calendar

It's that special time of month again.... hahaha! July's calendar is now available for download off of flickr or photobucket. This month is actually my birthday month, so I thought it would be fun if Scout and Oscar got all kinds of goodies to eat! Hope you like it!

"Scout and Oscar decided to have a royal dessert feast! Delicious pies, tarts and doughnuts are readily available, but Scout really is quite partial to the cupcakes :D"


  1. Haha! I was just about to comment on how I loved that for my birthday month they had such a lovely feast... and now I see it's your birthday too!!!

    Happy Birthday this month!!

  2. This is so cute! Early happy birthday to you ~~

  3. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday, happy birthday
    Happy Birthday to you.
    x x x x x x x

  4. Hello
    Some time ago I see your blog but I had never encouraged to write to you. On this occasion I wanted to thank you for the calendars, since I always wear them as wallpaper on my computer. The truth is that I'm bad with English and usually I see your blog with a translator xD actually I'm using google to write.
    Have a nice day :)

  5. Hey there Holly~ I love the new wallpaper! It's super cute. :3

    But I just thought I'd mention that I think you put an R instead of a T for Thursday~ ^^;

  6. WOOOOHOOO, JULY is my birthday month too!!! July 15th to be exact >_<


    Love the calendar too! SUPER CUTE!!!

    Best Birthday wishes,
    Rebecca :^)

  7. Happy Birthday! Your blog is so cute!! :)

  8. Yay, thanks so much for the birthday wishes guys, and I'm so glad you like the calendar! Su Hyun, thanks so much... I always make mistakes on my calendars so I really appreciate it when you guys give me a heads up! But this one's not a mistake :D
    In the US lots of people abbreviate Thursday with an "R" because we might get confused with the "T" for Tuesday (haha.... Americans!)

  9. This is so cute (as always)! Happy early Birthday to you, I hope you have a great birthday!

  10. It's my birthday month too! Thank you for the super cute desktop! ^-^
