
Friday, December 12, 2008

New obsession: Flight of the Conchords

I love this show, it's so funny! Awesome New Zealand accents and off color humor:

"Brit (Brett), I'm 1980s David Bowie from the movie The Labrinth."

Okay, so maybe that doesn't make much sense but it was super funny in context!


  1. I'm Totally in Love with this show too!!! My hubby and I watch it religiously. We have all the old episodes on the dvr. Welcome to the FOTC world :) PS: New season starts on January the 18th, WOO HOO!!! I can't wait >_<

    xo, minkey8282 aka Rebecca

  2. lol I love these guys! Been into their stuff for a while, but its always lovely to see people getting into them too!
